Janam Kundli or birth chart is an astrological chart that depicts the planetary positions at the time of an individual's birth. It is widely used in Indian culture to predict an individual's personality traits, career, health, and future events. With the advancement of technology, it is now possible to generate Online janam kundli in English or Hindi. However, the question arises whether it is necessary to consult an astrologer to interpret an online Janam Kundli, or can it be done independently? In this article, we will explore this question and provide insights into interpreting Janam Kundli without an astrologer.
Understanding Janam Kundli:
Before delving into interpreting Janam Kundli, it is essential to understand its components. A Janam Kundli comprises 12 houses or Bhavas, each representing different aspects of an individual's life. The position of planets in each house, their alignment, and conjunctions determine an individual's personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Additionally, other factors, such as ascendant or rising sign, moon sign, and the position of the sun, also play a crucial role in interpreting a Janam Kundli.
Interpreting Janam Kundli:
Interpreting a Janam Kundli involves analysing the planetary positions and their interactions to understand an individual's life journey. While it may seem complex, interpreting a Janam Kundli can be done independently by following a few guidelines. Firstly, it is essential to understand the significance of each house and planet's position. Additionally, analysing the aspects and conjunctions between the planets can provide valuable insights into an individual's life events.
Do you need to consult an astrologer for interpreting Janam Kundli?
While interpreting a Janam Kundli independently is feasible, consulting an experienced astrologer can provide a more comprehensive analysis. An astrologer can provide personalized insights and suggest remedies to mitigate the adverse effects of certain planetary positions. Additionally, consulting an astrologer can help individuals understand the complexities of Kundali matching, which involves matching the Janam Kundli of a prospective bride and groom for compatibility.
Online Janam Kundli Services:
With the rise of technology, several Janam kundli English services are available that allow individuals to generate their birth charts independently. These services provide individuals with detailed information about their planetary positions, house placements, and potential strengths and weaknesses. However, it is essential to choose a reliable service provider and verify the accuracy of the information provided.
In conclusion, interpreting a Janam Kundli independently is feasible, but consulting an astrologer can provide more personalized insights and remedies. With the availability of online Janam Kundli services, individuals can now generate their birth charts independently. However, it is crucial to choose a reliable service provider and verify the accuracy of the information provided. Janam Kundli is an essential aspect of Indian astrology and continues to play a crucial role in matchmaking by Kundali and predicting an individual's life journey.