Power Rangers Mystic Force Movie In Hindi [WORK]
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The next day, the Rangers are looking for something in the Briarwood library. Nick, Udonna, and Leanbow use their powers to discover the Rangers are searching for the hidden Stone of Destiny. Leanbow wants to split it with Nick and break into the Tree, a sacred tree that holds a key to the Stone. After sneaking around in the room, the three find a large chest that contains the missing Stone. Udonna and Leanbow fight, while Nick and Jenji attempt to stop them. Leanbow beats Udonna, but Jenji catches him. Nick and Leanbow escape and split the Stone into two halves. The Stone of Destiny gives them the power to cause the Earth to stop moving. With the Earth stopped, Leanbow and Nick kiss and get married. The Rangers must then quickly decide what to do with the two halves of the Stone. The Rangers decide to give the halves to the Rangers of Earth in the past to free the spirit of the prehistoric Earth Rangers.
The next day, the Rangers are relaxing when Briarwood citizens are attacked by the Wolf Warriors. The Rangers escape to the Tree and Jenji proposes marriage to Udonna. The Wolf Warriors arrive and attack the Tree with a massive boulder. Udonna uses the magic of the tree to stop the boulder and the Rangers stop the boulder with the remaining half of the Stone. The Rangers start making the Stone bigger so they can bring back the Earth Rangers. However, Briarwood is now in danger. The Wolf Warriors attack again and the Rangers battle them with the help of the Stone. Briarwood's stone heroes visit the ancient City of Light, the new home of Leanbow and Nick, to help stop the Wolf Warriors. A giant statue of Leanbow and Nick stands in the middle of Briarwood, drawing the Wolf Warriors towards Leanbow and Nick. A giant rip opens up in the city, transporting Leanbow and Nick to the future as the Rangers witness Leanbow and Nick in the city's future. The Rangers fight off the Wolf Warriors, and Leanbow and Nick use their powers to destroy the Stone of Destiny, creating a dimensional hole into the past. The past version of Leanbow and Nick, the Rangers of Earth, are returned to the present.
The end of the film leads into an advertisement for Mystic Force, on which the network logo appears. All of the Mystic Force characters appear in their original outfits and voices, along with the Ranger Armor, and the Rangers and the Weapons of Good appear. The Rangers emerge from the Turtle Lair and head off to their castle.
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