Vashikaran Magick: Learn The Dark Mantras Of Subjugation (Mantra Magick Series Book 1) ((HOT))
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8 Introduction What you are about to learn right now is rather obscure. In fact, there is only one other book written on this particular topic. It's a hidden side of an otherwise popular spiritual practice. What you will learn is the Dark Mantras of Subjugation called Vashikaran. I call them dark because they are meant to \"subjugate\" or \"command\" people and events to your will. Often mantras are associated with pure and spiritual practices. We use mantras to achieve altered states of consciousness, We use them to attract divine blessings. Seldom do we hear about people using mantras to control another person or persons. That kind of thing was relegated to black magick and witchcraft here in the west. But is it truly black magic Is there actually such a thing as white and black magick in the eastern traditions Or perhaps we, in the west interpret these things in stark black and white terms In this book, we will discuss the Vashikaran Mantras and their dark powers. Before we do that, I will cover a few pertinent topics you must learn before you use these powerful and mysterious mantras. 8
10 Chapter 2: Is It Evil Or Just A Misunderstanding In the west we tend to think of things in stark terms when it comes to our spiritual beliefs. Things are either good or bad. There are angels in heaven and demons in hell. God is all good and the devil is all bad. This linear simplification is by far the most foolish idea that plagues the Magickal community and religionists in general. Life is never linear so do we suppose that the divine realms are linear as well The human mind hates contradictory or ambiguous ideas and so we compartmentalize it to be linear and black and white. In reality, however NOTHING is linear and EVERYTHING is from the divine. Yes, even the so called \"demons\". As the kabbalah says, The devil is simply Gods shadow. Even in the bible God is specifically clear on this. Isaiah 45:7 \" I form the light and create darkness, I bring peace and create evil: I THE LORD DO ALL THESE THINGS\" This passage is under every westerners nose but it is ignored. It has become a spiritual blind spot. One that has not only detracted from our understanding of the divine, but limits us to its vast power. As the divine is not black or white but both, so too do we have this power and we are encouraged to use it. Although the mantras we will be using are considered \"dark\" and this might even be considered black magick to the westerner, we need to understand that the origin of these mantras is not as clear cut. They are derived from Hinduism and their conception of deity and good and evil are quite different. Personally speaking, I also feel it is the most \"healthy\" way to view deity. In order to understand the eastern conception of deity, one needs to rethink the common definitions for words like \" Good\" and \"Evil\". Often we will consider anything that is destructive as evil and anything life-affirming as good. For simplicities sake, that makes perfect sense. It nicely compartmentalizes the two. However, in eastern traditions, the definition of good and evil are not quite so clear cut. Death and destruction in the their conception is often looked upon as necessary states that must occur for rebirth and growth to happen. The yin and yang, life and death. In the western conception, these 2 things are looked upon in very black and white terms as I mentioned above. Both the \"Good\" Gods and the \" Bad\" Gods have a few overlapping characteristics. You can have a \"good\" goddess act in a way that any westerner would consider to be evil. However, here is where I will say they are different. There is a difference between evil and wrathful. This is important to discern. Many beneficent Gods and Goddess have a wrathful side. Don't you Even God in the book of Isaiah stated as much. We would equate this wrath with evil, but it is not evil but a form of spiritual equilibrium, you must have both sides. This is VERY important to keep in mind as we proceed, otherwise, the mantras will not make sense and may produce an unfounded fear in them. Like any magickal energy, it molds to the intention of the magician. You can take an otherwise \"benign\" mantra and use it in nefarious ways. The sky is literally the limit. In the next chapter, we will discuss what Vishikaran is and what mantras in this category can be used for. 10 153554b96e